Lead & Copper Mandates
The City of Bemidji has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available, and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/. To complete the service line inventory our system used as-built drawings, water tap cards, and some field verifications. City staff are working with the Minnesota Department of Health on procuring grant funds to assist residents with replacing water service lines that may require replacement. Individual letters have been mailed to those residents that have “galvanized requiring replacement” and “unknown” service lines at their properties. The City currently has no record of “lead” service lines in our inventory.
As of 10/16/2024 our inventory contains no lead, 117 galvanized requiring replacement, 327 unknown material, and 4228 non-lead service lines.
You may also email sam.anderson@ci.bemidji.mn.us or call 218-333-1851 if you have questions. MN Department of Health Program Facts