Your Loyalty Benefits Our Community!

The City of Bemidji operates two municipal liquor stores, for your shopping convenience.  Both locations offer a vast selection of beer, wine and spirits, with competitive pricing and exceptional customer service.

Bemidji, along with more than 300 other cities, chose to operate municipal liquor stores. This choice not only allows for greater control over liquor being sold and consumed in the City, but also further diversifies the City's revenue sources.  The City's two liquor locations currently generates nearly $1,000,000 in profits annually. Revenues generated from liquor revenues are used to:

  • Reduce Property Taxes
  • Contributed $250,000 towards new Veterans home
  • Pay for Parks and Trail Capital Improvements
  • Subsidize City Projects
  • Pay bonds issued to build First City Liquor Store

History of Municipal Liquor Operations
Municipal liquor stores have been in operation since the United States government repealed prohibition in 1933, giving individual states the responsibility and authority to regulate liquor sales. At that time, the Minnesota legislature gave cities the option of issuing liquor licenses to private businesses or providing municipal alcohol dispensing services.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kori Skumavc.


Please enjoy our product in moderation.  Do Not Drink & Drive. 

Thank you.