
Nymore Dog Park

Dog Park is Located at:
625 Miles Avenue SE



Who can use the dog park?

Anyone who owns a dog can use the park. The park will be split into two sections. One section will be for small dogs and one section will be for large dogs. So whether you have a small dog or a large dog the park will accommodate your dog’s needs.


What is the cost for using the dog park?

  It’s free! There will be no fee to use the dog park. It is open to anyone with a dog.




  • Owners must be in the park and within view of their dogs at all time
  • Dogs must be removed from park at the first sign of aggression
  • Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting park
  • Female dogs in heat are prohibited from entering park
  • Aggressive dogs are not allowed
  • Dog feces must be cleaned up by owners
  • Dogs must be up to date with vaccinations and shots
  • Owners are legally responsible for their dogs and any injury caused by them
  • Owners must fill any holes dug by their dog


What is some long term cost and maintenance for the park?

    • Providing doggy bags and trash cans for clean up
    • Water
    • Mowing grass
    • Cleaning up after people who don’t clean up after dog
    • Repairing holes